There are guys that read posts just to flame !
These guys were doing it constantly when I first got on this site and for no reason other then it’s the only place they can act like a tough guy ..... remember most tough guys would never come at a guy on a Internet forum .
But they are still here just reading everyone’s posts just waiting to attack some kid that is just asking a question here or trying to find info.
These people that do this are real punks and would never survive in the city’s and neighborhoods they read about or post about.
JC from what someone I respect told me is or was not one of these guys so possibly someone has got into his account.
Some of these flames are guys that will not let anyone say or post anything out of complete fact backed up by Fed reports but remember this is just a Internet forum for entertainment .
There are many of them here lurking just waiting to jump on some kid from the middle of nowhere looking for info or trying to fit in.
Many of these guys have a couple screen names and are on other forums just waiting to bully some kid form Arkansas for asking or commenting something that’s not worthy.