Originally Posted by southphilly old head
So Grumpy you should get your facts right unless your were drinking and have amnesia. Ron Previte died I'm almost positive of that. And your not thinking right if you think Dom isnt doing the right thing by not retaliating while the feds are up his ass every day. They are just waiting to pounce on him.

Yeah and when he was alive he was not a Ducktown guy ! ( not saying he didn’t try a couple things there ) He over stated his worth and not to pounce on the dead but he actually carried a picture of Stanfa and would show people, and his quote was this is my boss as he would show the photo !

If you have to carry a picture of a crime boss to get your point across well let’s just say you are a cop not a made guy and can anyone tell me any big rackets he was involved with that doesn’t come out of his mouth ?

Last edited by Serpiente; 01/30/20 10:21 AM.

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."