Attempted murder on Arsène Mompoint: individual faces trial for possession of a weapon
In the days following the attempted murder committed against gang leader Arsène Mompoint in Montreal last August, SPVM investigators quickly received information that enabled them to arrest a suspect and, possibly, prevent an escalation.
Mompoint, whose street nickname is BM, refused to file a complaint and cooperate with the police. He did not want them to have access to his medical records and told them that he had been struck by a 12 caliber shot, but the investigator quickly ruled out this possibility. Fouz is the shooter
A few hours after the crime, the investigator received information from a colleague that a certain Fouz was the shooter, that he was approximately 25-26 years old, that he had already been arrested with a weapon in the past, that he frequents the Rosemont housing plan and that it is possible that in a few days, there will be a replica in the Rosemont plan or on members of the Fouz clique and a certain Patek. Another colleague later called investigator Couture to tell him that Fouz is Faouzi Harmali. “Arsène Mompoint is linked to organized crime. He is known in the criminal community and all of the SPVM police officers. From my understanding, BM and Harmali knew each other. The information I had was that Arsene Mompoint knew who had shot him and that there was therefore a possibility of a reply, "said investigator Couture. A very profitable contract
The latter and his colleagues continued their investigation. In the following days, they obtained information from other police source controllers that the attempted murder against Mompoint was not a bad drug deal, that Mompoint had a contract on his head for 8-9 months, that he returned from Toronto, that Fouz gave him an appointment and shot him, that the two men knew each other well, that Fouz even worked for Mompoint in drug trafficking, but that he also had links with Gregory Woolley and that the contract was given by Jean Winsing Barthelus, alias Zing.
"The BM contract, everyone would have accepted it. It was very profitable, "said the witness, citing a college investigator, controller of one of the police sources. Later, the Couture investigator noticed the presence of a luxurious Range Rover in the parking lot of the Rosemont plan and learned that the same vehicle appeared on a video on which Faouzi Harmali appeared, and which had been published on the Snapchat account of a relative. By cross-checking information, the police identified a location. They dispatched a spinning team there to quickly spot Harmali driving a white Porsche Panamera on August 13. Investigator Couture obtained information that Harmali feared aftershock and was moving armed. He asked the spinning police to arrest him for attempted murder, having discharged a firearm and possession of a firearm. Police intercepted the Porsche, apprehended Harmali, and found a pistol in the vehicle - with bullets in the barrel - in a shoulder bag that Harmali was carrying earlier today, as seen by the spinning police. Ultimately Faouzi Harmali was charged only with the possession and carrying of a prohibited weapon without a valid license. He was not charged with attempting to kill Mompoint and discharging a weapon at him. Jean Winsing Barthelus was not arrested and charged in this case. Arsène Mompoint is currently detained pending trial for a drug case. Faouzi Harmali’s trial continues on Friday and will be released until April 23.