Originally Posted by Revis_Knicks
Was Persico and his family really mob royalty? From what I have read, I don’t think he is on the same level of successful mobster as someone like Gigante. I read on here from someone that they really aren’t that wealthy present day and it makes me wonder(if that statement is true, it could very well be bs so don’t take my word for it) what it was all for if the next generation of Persicos didn’t see the financial benefits. Why didn’t everyone want to rally around Allie boy? Did they feel he wasn’t going to be a good boss or were they tired of Carmine’s way of doing things?

No way in hell was Persico on Gigante's level. I read a while back that they didn't even like eachother. I'm still trying to figure out what Corallo; Castellano; Gigante and Rastelli thought about him in 1979-1981 when he was out on the streets.

Last edited by Zavattoni; 04/16/20 10:27 PM.