Another spin:

How much do the producers (or Simon for that matter) of the show influence the final outcome?

If they felt that they did not want another woman of color to win this year (following Mantasia's win last year) could they influence somehow to see a white girl or guy wins?

What about all this talk about a 'rocker' winning it?

Season 1 winner: Kelly (young white woman)

Season 2: Ruuuuuuben (big black man)

Season 3: Fantasia (young black woman)

Season 4: 'Rocker'

Makes perfect sense to me.

If the final 2 were picked RIGHT now, I would honestly have to say it would be fair to be Bo and Carrie.

That might not be the same as what this American wants to see....

Wonder what the theme next week is? (Start thinking of a disco song Bo could do... )

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....