Originally posted by Don Sicilia:

There once was a man named Enis...

Where IS this Enis fella? And why do things like that happen only ONCE?

Back to reality...hahaha..good pun DB. I hope and pray Scott goes. I don't care if he sings opera and hits every high note. He needs to GO! Or else have Simon kick his butt.

Right now I think Vonzell is slowly creeping to the front. Anwar needs to get back to his older self. If he does I think he'll be right back in it. Nadia has that "thug" quality about her. Lord knows Mantasia had enough of that last year to fill us for awhile.

I'll wait until they sing tonight to pick my bottom 3.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.