Nadia (She's back! - A most beautiful and classy woman)
Constantine (Yeah, you heard me - "GOOD". He is no one-trick pony)
Carrie (Good vocally but I want to stick pins in my eyes when she performs! But I would die of boredom before I could be inclined to do so)
Vonzell (Girlfriend did NOT bring it last night)
Scott (Did we really expect better?)
Anthony (Ugh)
Bo ("Closed my eyes and picked a song" indeed! - Have you not heard of Hair or Jesus Christ Superstar? - HATE HATE HATED his performance though I usually like his rich voice.)
Bottom 3 (I wish): Scott, Anthony, Carrie with a buh-bye to Scott.
Bottom 3 prediction: Scott, Anthony, Vonzell (or possibly Nikko - I can't tell between the latter two has more rabid fans....) with a BIG Buh-bye to Scott.
Film at 11. (7 Eastern Time)
I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve - I have a history of taking off my shirt.....