Wow, so much to talk about! Instead of quoting everyone before each comment, I'm just gonna make the comments in order, and you can match them like a second grade quiz. :p

1. People are saying Anthony's sexier now without the glasses, but I liked him better with them. He's got a face that looks good behind glasses.

2. I don't know if he's wearing his clothes tighter, or if he gained a little weight. I think it's the latter, personally.

3. LDV, you're right on the money with Carrie's Stepford look. I was trying to place it, and that's just what it is. Or like a suburban newlywed housewife who's dressed up for a wedding. And her hair is always so outdated and "sculpted" looking. Also, she's got a good voice, but it's a voice for country, which by definition either sucks or is boring.
She was cute at first, and sometimes she does a good song, but in general I'm getting bored with her.

4. I agree too, Vonzell is gorgeous... if she doesn't win and doesn't get some other contract, she should go into modeling. Can't you see her as the new face of L'Oreal makeup?

5. I love Nadia too, now. I was indifferent at first, but every week, she gets better. And that dress on Tuesday night... WOW! I want it.

6. Paula... OMG I shouldn't even start. I cannot stand this woman!! Remember when being a Laker girl was her only claim to fame? How'd she become an "industry insider" all of a sudden? Anyway, I love Simon too, but the guy can't open his mouth without her yelling at him and biting his head off!! I'd pay to see the day when he slaps her a fresh one across the face and tells her to SIT the #$%@ down!!

Anyway, if it wasn't apparent from my nineteen-hundred-some-odd posts so far, it is obvious now from my numbered post that I am, unarguably, a nerd. I even wear suspenders and snort as I push my glasses up my nose, I swear! :p