Originally Posted by dsd
Originally Posted by Serpiente
Originally Posted by hoodlum
Originally Posted by Serpiente
Yeah Billy that would of been the best thing for Bruno to do.

He was lucky Nick and Phil were stand up guys cos they would have gotten to him sooner.(Caponigro and company)

Even though Phil T and him were not seeing eye to eye Testa was still doing the right thing and still keeping his guys eating.

Bruno was on Georgia ave more in the late 70's like 78-80 then ever and he had a house on the island .

And just so you know all that bullshit about Nick being banished to Atlantic City was bullshit and from what I ever seen or herd Bruno knew Nick was stand up.

Now don't get me wrong he may have given Bruno a couple things to cover up but Bruno always did including doing all he could in the death of the longshoremen.

So when Anastasia says that he just says that shit all the time ,(Nicks son Chris goes crazy when he says that and the stuff about Chris divorcing his family ) he has these little tidbits to go with each guy that he said through the years .

And he grew up in Ducktown( Anastasia ) in the summers also just like Chuckie Merlino and Lawrence did for a short time there parents lived in AC full time with cousins and siblings but moved back to Philly later.

Now that it's a zillion yrs. later ...can u tell us where exactly where did Bruno have a house on the island??..& Anastasia lived part time in Ducktown???

No I cant ....

But I am pretty sure it was on AC - Ventnor border and I only remember that because my father told me once before I was 17 and still driving with him .

what I don't get is that Bruno 'banished ' Scarfo to Atlantic City, but isn't that where he was based anyway? ?

Also, how did Scarfo get caught up in that SCI contempt case? all the other guys I've seen mentioned were mob big shots, Bruno,Catena etc
didn't think Scarfo was big name 1973 ish??

scarfo was sent there as punishment. scarfo went into a diner and demanded a guy give up his seat. they guy said no and scarfo stabbed him through the heart killing him. fortunately the guy killed was not made.


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