Originally posted by Mignon: First of all to many comercials. Next I didn't like Bo's crappy attitude. He just audition just for a bet with his mom. He deserved to be on the bottom 3. oh well life goes on I will be watching next Tuesday night. Tomorrow night Survivor. I wonder if they will merge or let Steph's tribe of 1 go at it on her own?
I agree that Bo's "Billy Bob/Slingblade" side comes out every now and then and he says the most retarded things sometimes. C'mon dude...humor us - tell us how bad you want to be an Idol! :p
As for Steph? She can definitely hold her own. I am so interested in seeing if they merge tomorrow night. They almost HAVE to!
I want to see Tom and Steph in the final 2. Then I won't really care who wins the million!
I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve - I have a history of taking off my shirt.....