Originally Posted by pmac
Debrizzi also did something in jail that pissed off Gotti no idea what. Sammy mentioned it somewhere


I agree with you; Not just showing up to a meeting with Gotti shouldn't be a grounds for Murder".... Gotti had Louie DiBono whacked over something like this though didn't he?? There was a case of Nino Gaggi not wanting to meet with Gotti but he didn't get whacked.

DiBrizzi definitely pissed off Gotti in another way... Paul and Thomas Bilotti allowed DiBrizzi the choice of missing meetings aslong as the envelope was coming in...

The Frank Piccolo murder is confusing though; Why didn't Paul Castellano stick up for him and tell Chin to "Fuck off"?? Gives me reason to believe that Gigante had more power then he did.