@Dob_Peppino & MightyDR
I think Rastelli and Galante were good buddies. They went back to the 1940's I believe. Lilo should have been content in staying as Acting Boss. He had alot of power that was given to him by Rusty.
I don't understand the administration that was back around that time. Rastelli was Official Boss; Galante was Acting Boss; Nick Marangello was Underboss; Steve Cannone was Consigliere. Anyone have any more information on Nick Marangello and Steve Cannone??? When were they Made; and when did they become captains?????
The thing I don't understand; How was Nick able to constantly undermine Rastelli and stay on as his #2 (Underboss)
Steve Cannone I believe ran things on the street and was more trusted by Phil. You had Joe Massino who was a captain but he had a bunch of leeway and power.
Wasn't Mike Sabella a major Galante captain?
Anyone know who were the Galante loyalist in the family and the Rastelli guys??? Or who was on the fence??
I don't think Lilo respected Rastelli at all. Yea; They were buddies for 3 decades but that didn't matter.
Last edited by Zavattoni; 07/17/20 06:43 PM.