Originally posted by Don Sicilia about Survivor: However, about the ending.
Best. Ending. Ever.
Stephenie rules!
She really struggles with the physical challenges but she never gives up and never complains. She is a real trooper and she is my favorite.
I admit I was really freaked out at the Tribal Council. In all reality, nooone with half a brain would have ever VOTED a useless weakling like Janu out. It would have made sense for them (Greg and company) to take out Steph because she is a definite threat. Thank goodness Janu quit.
I wonder though if she should really be allowed to be on the Jury. Of course it throws all the numbers off if they don't include her, but I would have rather seen them bring back the last person to be voted out (Bobby Jon?) to sit on the Jury rather than someone who quit.
I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve - I have a history of taking off my shirt.....