Originally Posted by Malavita
Do we know exactly which made guys were in Gaggi's crew ?

I only can think of two : Roy De Meo and Greg DePalma

Only ones I can think of at the moment;

James Eppolito SR - He was murdered in 1979 over a dispute with Roy DeMeo; Castellano ordered his murder.
James Eppolito JR - Same reason as his father - Murdered
Peter Piacenti - I belive he was part of the Gaggi crew.

I may be wrong;

Did Gaggi have the ''DeMeo crew'' and his own ''Personal crew'' Gaggi's crew had consisted of bookies; and old-timers I believe? That would mean that he was captain of two crews?

Last edited by Zavattoni; 07/21/20 09:29 AM.