Here you go, Geoff. Now you can take a little piece of Clay with you wherever you go. :p

Clay Goes Plastic

by Sarah Hall
Apr 26, 2005, 4:35 PM PT

Now Claymates have a new way to show their affection for their favorite singer: They can carry him in their wallet.

In an apparent effort to lure teens with the power of plastic, Mastercard has launched a new line of debit cards complete with American Idol season two runner-up Clay Aiken's mug across the front.

Called MYplash cards (an acronym for my plastic cash), the cards offer parents a way to teach their children about the responsibilities that come with possessing a credit card.

The cards, which cost about $28 to acquire ($16.95 for the card, $11.99 for the membership), need to be preloaded with funds (minimum $10 deposit required). Racking up debt is not a possibility, as card owners can only spent predetermined amounts of money.

Some fans in the forum were excited at the prospect of having yet another method of proving their devotion to the "Measure of a Man" singer.

"Oh! That's really cool! I want one! But I might have to do some convicing [sic] to get one! I could use that my 17 birthday is in 3 months and it could be a very good present!" one poster enthused.

However, the apparent majority of Claynation was bothered by the fees bundled with the card. Aside from the aforementioned costs, the MYplash card carries a monthly $2.50 membership charge, plus fees associated with each reloading of the card.

"Guess it's good that Clay's getting some publicity from this, but no matter whose mug is on it, this card is a bad deal for any fans willing to shell out a minimum of $50 plus to get it," a poster mused in the forum. "Never figured him for 'everyone's doing it, I will too' kinda popstar...not my 1st choice for a Clay endorsement deal, & just because this one doesn't go over well doesn't mean Clay won't get other, better offers (for him AND the fans). Just shows that Clay's fans know a bum deal when they see it, that's all."

The majority of posters concurred, though some worried about potential Aiken backlash as a result of the card.

"I understand many fans can not afford to get the card (myself included right now) but I am shocked by all the negative posts about it," another poster responded. "I personally don't think it is good to continue to harp on how bad it is to get this card.....and why is Clay agreeing to being on it. I certainly hope the press doesn't pick up this aspect of the card and how no fans are buying it and how they question why Clay endorced [sic] it."


For non-Idol fans, the cards come in Xzibit and Simple Plan varieties as well. No word on whether those fans recognize a "bum deal when they see it" or not.

Meanwhile, the show that made Aiken a household name will soon be probed in a special ABC Primetime Live report that the network says will "explore explosive claims about behind-the-scenes activities" at Idol headquarters.

Said "behind-the-scenes activities" are said to include past American Idol contestant Corey Clark's claims that he had an affair with Paula Abdul. Clark was booted from the first season of the show after his undisclosed criminal record was unearthed.

According to published reports, Clark has been pushing a tell-all book proposal of late, detailing a side of Idol fans didn't see.

"Paula Abdul will not dignify the false statements made by Corey Clark with a response," Abdul said in a statement Tuesday. "Mr. Clark is an admitted liar and opportunist who engages in unlawful activities. He is communicating lies about Paula Abdul in order to generate interest in a book deal."

Though the ABC special doesn't air until May 4, Abdul's coworkers Simon Cowell and Ryan Seacrest have launched preemptive denial campaigns about the allegations.

"There's no underhandedness going on behind the scenes," Cowell told Extra. In response to Clark's allegations, Cowell stated, "I do think they're rubbish. I think this guy's out there to publicize a book.

"Paula, to be fair to her, will spend more time backstage with the contestants giving encouragement and everything else. But, that's not a bad thing!"

Seacrest addressed recent rumors about Abdul's wacky behavior on the show.

"I've never seen her take a pill, I've never seen her take medication," Seacrest told Extra. "She's never told us about these problems that are out in magazines...but we hope she's back on track."

For the record, the diminutive "Forever Your Girl" singer said last week that she had been diagnosed with a rare neurological condition that causes chronic pain and that her seemingly odd behavior of late was the result of finally discovering the proper medication to treat the disorder.

Idol fans may straight up learn if there's more to that story next week when ABC airs its Fallen Idol exposé.

How about a little less questions and a lot more shut the hell up - Brian Griffin

When there's a will...put me in it.