As you know DB, I read Bill Simmons all the time, he is a riot. The other day he wrote a piece on the basketball playoffs in honor of Stephenie. He wrote that we should send her to Afganistan and she could find Bin Laden in a matter of weeks based on her successfully convincing another player to quit!!
Ok, pardon me but my nerdness is showing. FYI -Janu works at the Tropicana in the Folies Bergere show. Wonder if they will hire Medusa McSkinny back?
Katie? I have wondered the same thing? Does she have a stash of Hershey bars somewhere we don't know about?
Jennifer knows all Heidi and Jenna had to do was get nekked for peanut butter to get a spread in a men's magazine. Maybe she is hoping the cameraman will catch some raw footage of her and Gregg and they can sell it as One Night in Palau... :rolleyes:
I'm sorry, I am on an island for 34 days? Please don't come near me to even shake my hand. Raise your hand if you're Sure, if you know what I mean....
I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve - I have a history of taking off my shirt.....