Originally posted by Mignon:
Well Vonzie should be very proud of herself. I wonder what the chances are someone will give her a recording contract anyway?
I think the success factor is very good for some 3rd and 2nd place finishers of the show. Can you say Clay Aiken? You hear him on every station out there and he was way more played on the air than Ruben. If I am not mistaken, his CD was alot more well received and possibly sold more than Ruben's as well.

Diana Digarmo got her contract. So did Kimberly Locke and to be honest, I hear and see her all over the place as well.

Kim Caldwell is doing well reporting for TV Guide channel and another entertainment series whose name escapes me.

I hear Josh Gracin's music on the country channel all the time and see his videos on CMT.

Jasmine Trias, La Toya London and some others have CD's out there, though I have not personally heard them.

Vonzell should have no problem sealing a deal. Perhaps Clive will give her a call? You go girl!!!

I think coming in 2nd place (ala Clay Aiken) would probably be the best thing. You would be contacted by many sources and could pick and choose who you want to sign with and not have to adhere to the strict AI contract and policies. Should I hope now that Bo comes in 2nd place so that he can make the kind of music he wants to and work with a label he likes?

Perhaps he will go on tour with Skynnrd!!! :p

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....