It was the democrats that considered blacks 3/5 of a person. People treated everyone poorly at one time or another in history, everyone was a victim. I hate to say it but having slaves was considered normal 200 -300 years ago. In fact it was normal in every civilization at one time or another. Slavery was a primitive institution that ended 160 years ago when they gave a man a shot of whisky before his leg was amputated.
The 1400’s were a much more primitive time, it was at the end of the dark ages. How did blacks treat other blacks in the 1400’s? How about the 1800’s? Im talking blacks in Africa. They were barbaric to one another so dont make it sound as if it was only whites, it wasnt.
Colombus was a great man and he did a lot for man kind.
Not to get off topic but look how barbaric blacks treat other blacks in our inner cities today in modern times ! 93% of all blacks are killed by other blacks, not white people and not white cops.. Look at the atrocities going on in Africa today: blacks slaughtering other blacks and enslaving other blacks. I think black family is trying to point his finger in the wrong direction. No offense black family but africa still has cannibals and how about what some blacks do to young black girls when they are mutilated? Thats happening today, not 200 years ago. Are you saying blacks are 200 years behind ?
I've been on this forum for 8 years and majority of your comments are rehashed talking points you'll find on stormfront ( other similar cesspools blogs)

. Before you there was others ( banned) that went down the same lane of dialogue. So here goes the usual talking points:
1. Slavery is still active and will always be apart of human history. Obviously.
2A. Dark ages for much of the Europe region, not the rest of the world simultaneously. There wasn't " Blacks" back then since the whole concept of racial term/category arose from a different continent & timeframe. Therefore your speaking on a thousand plus African cultures at once which ranges from Kingdoms/Empires to nomadic agrarian people. The interactions are immense in the 1400s as 1800s, please read up on this subject

2B. At what point in my previous comments I specifically stated anything about whites?

2C. If you didn't want to get off topic then why bring unrelated subjects to it? What does atrocities in Africa which can be find worldwide have to do with the subject at hand? Have you not heard of strawman fallacy.

3. Yet your diatribe insist on being " offensive", subliminal context. Your point of view sees " Blacks" being 200 years behind. Remember when you get off subject YOUR pointing away from the topic. You stick out like a Arum italicum with keywords: Primitive & Barbaric.
4. I've already know what the response is going to be so save it. Y'all can like the accomplishments yet not dive into the details of those things without being counter " political correct" or talking down on others while uplifting a voyager.