Hey, have you guys ever heard about PCC (Primeiro Comando da Capital)


The organization is growing up here in brazil, and is actually turning to a Mob/Cartel. They started very small inside the prison, a group of of like 5-6 people. They started here in São Paulo but they're taking almost every state here in brazil, it's crazy. They literally control São Paulo and other states. And they're currently in war against the CV (Comando Vermelho) another organization that is growing a lot in Rio de Janeiro. The police says PCC and the 'Ndrangheta has a really strong connection now, PCC exports cocaine from south america to europe from the ports of Santos (São Paulo).

I'm gonna show you guys a hit that happened in 2016. What basically happened is that the PCC wanted to expand in Paraguay, but the leader of the border didn't want to let them sell drugs in Paraguay. What did PCC do? They fucking made a hit with a .50, here is some pictures and the video;


[Linked Image]
The guys is called Jorge Rafaat by the way.
[Linked Image]


I'll try to update you guys here, I just wanted to know if you ever heard about it. Anyways, I'll let some news here bellow. I'll try to translate aswell.

- Recently the brazilian Supreme Court has released one of the top heads of the organization, here you can check;

https://jovempan.com.br/noticias/po...volve-stf-congresso-e-ate-bolsonaro.html *you probably gonna need to translate*

What is crazy is that I think how much did they pay to the judge, seriously how can they release this kind of criminal. And now he's gone, nobody knows where he is, and the police and interpool is looking for him.

- This guy is called ''André do Rap'' they believe he's the connection between the PCC and 'Ndrangheta. The organization is exporting cocaine from the ports of Santos (São Paulo) to Europe. https://istoe.com.br/mpf-investiga-ligacao-entre-pcc-e-ndrangheta-diz-site/