I personally think he’s overlooked, he went to war, got shot, got jailed over and over never said a word and maintained his status and credibility on the street. With all the technology and informants around today it’s a lot harder to stay on top. And he’s done it for years. No one challenges him and his guys are loyal. The idea he couldn’t run any family is pure silliness. If he’d been raised in the ny families what makes anyone think he lacked the intelligence to adapt to their ways? Just because the philly family was more gangster than criminal is the reason he operates the way he does. And he dominated it. I suspect he would’ve been very successful in ny or anywhere for that matter. Pure and simple the guys got balls, heart and intelligence just because he was groomed in philly doesn’t make him less a boss anywhere else. Final thought, a good sign of a leader is the ability to have those follow you, he’s got unquestioned loyalty.